quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2014

Miraflores- Lima - Peru

I didn't know what to expect of Lima, I've always wanted to go to Macchu Pichu, but didn't know nothing about lima, I haven't found too much details about the city, but I have decided I would like to visit it, even tough I really appreciate nature and old historical places I also enjoy big cities, specially the capitals or main cities of the coutries I'm visiting. I think it is a good opportunity to meet the locals and to learn how is the life of that people in the modern days and of course expericence their culture, restaurants, parks and all the attractions that a big city can offer to a tourist.

It's 5 hours flight from Sao Paulo to Lima. it didn't seem that far on the map, but it is, the flight was OK, Avianca is a nice flight company, really enjoyed it, I've landed during the morning, and a few minutes later was on my way to my hotel in Miraflores.

During the taxi ride to the hotel, you pass close to cliffs in Lima's shore facing the pacific ocean, the taxi driver told me a story that lot's of people have used these cliffs to commit suicide and just after that we passed a body being covered at the bottom of the cliffs by the police, probably another suicide, but we'll never know for sure.

Circuito de Playas

Besides all that, this region was very nice, even tough the weather was a bit cold and windy, I wouldn't dare to swing, the ocean water seemed a so cold from the distance, the beach doesn't have too much sand must of it is cover by stones and gravel but besides all of this, you could see some surfers looking for a good wave.

Miraflores is really a nice place and neighborhood, well preserved streets, buildings and houses, very tidy, clean and quite calm. 

Just be advised you can find a lot of people on the street trying to sell you some coca leaves, they will try to talk to chat with but at the end of the conversation they will offer you some coca, so it is up to you to buy it or not, it is legal, an they even teach you how to chew it. 

One of the main spots in Miraflores is Parque Central de Miraflores, it is like a small park where people get together, to chat, for a walk or to eat, you can find lots of peruvians, specially students and of course tourists, the place is also sorrounded by restaurants where you can eat Lomo Saltado along with Pisco Sour and a really nice sandwiche in La Lucha Sangucheria, you can also find MacDonalds, Stabucks Coffe, hostel and lan houses. You can also find a few bus tours, just check the destination, buy your ticket and be ready on time for a ride thoughout Miraflores and Lima.

One peculiar thing about Parque Central is the amount of stray cats in the place, the all stay there among people and long as they keep petting them.

Parque Central - Miraflores - Lima - Peru

Parque Central - Miraflores - Lima - Peru
Stray Cats - Parque Central

If you like shopping, you will be in right place also, close to Parque Central you can find Saga Falabella Shopping Mall, it is a huge Mall complex where you can find absolutely everything, from clothes to eletronics, I didn't find the prices that cheap, but is nice to go check the place.

And of Course, another huge buying temple in Lime is Lacomar, that I'm going to talk about in the next post. :D

Hope you enjoyed this post, keep visiting the blog, I'm going to update it quite often.

You can also check my Youtube Channel end watch some of my videos os my trip to Peru and other countries:


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lectus lacus, placerat nec augue rhoncus, suscipit ultricies odio. Praesent aliquet venenatis tellus, ut lacinia massa egestas ut. Vivamus consequat leo iaculis ante gravida, in aliquet justo egestas. Nullam at pulvinar mauris, eget fermentum ligula. Aenean aliquet aliquet eleifend. Pellentesque eget tortor lectus. Praesent quis arcu mauris. Mauris tempor eros sed fringilla imperdiet. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur feugiat sollicitudin magna, eu aliquam augue rutrum eu. Donec pellentesque neque sit amet orci fringilla blandit. Donec et malesuada felis. 

Nunc iaculis blandit facilisis. Nunc ipsum eros, dignissim at ultrices sit amet, dignissim in nisi. Vivamus id elit eget ante ultrices dignissim. Donec sed lacinia libero. Ut cursus lorem id ipsum condimentum feugiat eget id ligula. Proin blandit mi justo, at hendrerit orci mattis commodo. Nunc pulvinar ultrices nibh, id congue felis sollicitudin sit amet. Vivamus dignissim auctor metus, in sollicitudin leo faucibus bibendum. Suspendisse rhoncus turpis ipsum. Nullam id massa in dui tempus feugiat et quis nibh. Aenean convallis arcu nec lacus hendrerit fringilla. Etiam blandit sem vitae sapien suscipit adipiscing. Quisque rutrum pellentesque augue, non ultrices dui. Sed quis massa mollis, vehicula nunc eu, vehicula tortor. 

Vestibulum placerat, felis sed porta iaculis, erat libero semper mauris, vel gravida urna lacus nec augue. Duis vel luctus erat, sit amet tincidunt enim. Integer pulvinar massa sed lobortis volutpat. Fusce quis ipsum odio. Mauris mauris est, tempor eget lectus ac, congue luctus velit. Vivamus lectus purus, tincidunt sit amet feugiat aliquet, tempus a dui. Cras id dolor hendrerit, consectetur velit a, euismod lectus. Sed vulputate est ac turpis aliquam, ut iaculis nunc blandit. Suspendisse mi mauris, varius nec diam dictum, varius porta diam. Ut ut dignissim sem. Duis sem enim, consectetur eu nibh non, aliquet auctor nisl. Phasellus eu orci adipiscing, volutpat augue id, scelerisque mauris.

Nulla sed mi est. Ut at ipsum non mauris semper semper eu non felis. Nulla sodales diam felis, ut viverra lorem rutrum at. Cras luctus tempor est, ac consectetur eros auctor eget. Donec sit amet augue vel enim commodo pharetra. Pellentesque at pharetra lacus, quis laoreet sem. Etiam gravida justo nec enim accumsan, et faucibus lectus lacinia. Suspendisse sit amet convallis augue, consectetur pellentesque mauris. Mauris malesuada sodales nulla, sed ultricies eros porta eget. Morbi eget pharetra tortor, eu molestie metus. Integer volutpat augue vitae eleifend commodo. Sed ac sollicitudin odio, vitae pharetra leo. Mauris et leo massa. Integer malesuada sed ipsum quis feugiat. Curabitur purus turpis, tincidunt ac aliquam ac, luctus at sem. Aliquam adipiscing, felis sit amet convallis posuere, felis justo ornare diam, nec vehicula metus augue ut risus.

Donec elementum id tortor in ornare. Nam tincidunt ullamcorper justo, a interdum velit. Mauris ultrices mauris vitae quam feugiat, ac fringilla justo iaculis. Sed nisl orci, varius sit amet vehicula nec, venenatis sed elit. Ut ut lacus a urna ultricies tempus et a neque. Vestibulum suscipit, ipsum et ullamcorper scelerisque, quam ligula facilisis mauris, vel vulputate velit elit vitae neque. Quisque sit amet urna lacus. Morbi aliquam metus in leo adipiscing tempor. Vivamus massa sem, convallis sit amet eleifend vitae, interdum ut risus. Morbi at convallis dui, id scelerisque purus. Nunc feugiat in metus sed porttitor. Nullam libero tellus, lacinia ut interdum ut, ornare quis lacus. Vivamus facilisis luctus diam id convallis.